The NAB reading list has been a sore point from the beginning and one of the major pieces of evidence regarding the influence of CRT in the NAB. In a video conversation between a few of the elders in 2021, I, Pastor Rob, raised this issue. I made it clear that the reading list seemed rather one sided. It only deals with one side of the issue. It is decidedly bias on these issues. I'll be the first to state that even our own reading list on our website is bias. However, its bias is, we believe, based on biblical lenses. Our reading list reflects the overall beliefs of most of our congregation, all of our elders, and reflects the teaching you'll hear preached on a weekly basis on the Lord's Day. Reading lists aren't accidents. That's the point.
Dr. Secord, in the video on the above linked webpage, cited from the book Colorblind. That book has since been taken down. Now, we could take that in good faith that change is happening. However, that logic doesn't track with reality. For instance, if it were discovered that I had placed a book on our church's reading list that detailed the pro's of pedophilia, and if I took it off the website subsequently to it being discovered, that wouldn't take away the question in the minds of the congregation. I would be accountable to answer for why it was on there in the first place. The people would wonder what was in my heart and mind that I would see that as an appropriate book for our people to read. The same is true in the case of the NAB reading list. Books that get taken down from the list, were nonetheless part of it on purpose at one point and those issues have not been addressed.
When I brought up the list back in 2021 I was told that the "NAB doesn't make statements about things like this." My immediate reply was that when an organization puts out a reading list that agrees with one side of an issue and refuses to balance that list with all sides, they have made a statement. That is a statement.
Also, during a one on one conversation with an NAB leader, in the spring of this year, I noted the lack of discernment and wisdom observed among the leadership to state emphatically that they do not believe the NAB is "going woke", while at the very same time recommending Woke Church as a book that will "stimulate thought" on these matters. Please Click the Link in the colored bar above and scroll down the page to get to the current NAB list.
For a more robust (and we, the elders, believe, a correct biblical lens) please see the titles below:
- That Hideous Strength: How the West was Lost by Melvin Tinker
- White Guilt by Shelby Steele
- Fault Lines by Voddie Baucham
- Just Thinking: about the state by Darrell Harrison & Virgil Walker
- Social Justice and the Christian Church by Ronald Nash
- By What Standard, edited by Jared Longshore
- Christianity and Wokeness by Owen Strachan
- Christianity and Social Justice: Religions in Conflict by Jon Harris
- Social Justice Goes to Church by Jon Harris